ESG & Social Responsibilities

Environment, Social & Governance (ESG)

The Dallol Project has continued to undertake additional Environmental and Social work to ensure it is one of the “greenest” among its peers The project is Environmentally friendly and supported by the Ethiopian Government. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment approved in 2015, followed by subsequent independent due diligence proved that the Project was compliant with the Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards

The project has the lowest Co2 footprints of the industry, in particular emitting 80% less Co2 than SOP produced as a result of the Mannheim process. The project doesn’t require any population displacement and we are committed to pro-active engagement and commitment to local and regional communities. In long term, the project is going to give job placement to more than a thousand people directly and thousands of people indirectly.

Social Responsibilities

Overview of key third party infrastructure investments tailored for the projects needs

Job creation

  • In operations, the mine is expected to generate c.700 FTEs, giving priority to local employment, and up to 1,200 FTEs during construction
  • Program to take in 25 trainees of Samara University in a variety of discipline’s related to project activity
  • On-site technical work placement for trainees from the Abala College
  • Enterprise development program to stimulate employment through SMME’s in the community

Water access

  • Rehabilitation and infrastructure provision of drinking water to nearby area dwellers
  • Supply to the Ethiopian National Defense Force and Road Construction Company
  • Emergency drinking water supply for local communities and livestock as emergency relief
  • Maintenance of pumps and generators
  • Training of community sourced technicians for servicing


  • School development and rehabilitation, re-equipment and support to the regional Abala College to give certified technical and vocational training to 700 students from the Afar Region
  • Training of 150 students in construction technology and hospitality started in January 2019
  • Provision of equipment/educational tools for introduction of pilot Year Zero program in local schools

Medical services

  • Provide to nearby public clinics and primary health centers Medical service supplies and Support and training
  • Pre and Postnatal training for Afar midwives
  • Vaccination campaigns supporting Health Department
  • Rehabilitation of clinics and health posts including provision of water